I know it's a good idea to use dental floss 我知道用洁牙线是一个好主意。
He says they actually use dental floss to slowly saw away at the metal, adding tooth powder to increase the friction. 但是犯人们总能找到办法弄到。现在他们用牙线慢慢钜金属,抹上牙粉增加摩擦力。
In the bathroom, keep hair pins, cotton swabs and dental floss out of reach from your pet. 浴室中,将头花、棉棒及牙线放到宠物们够不到的地方。
Dental floss actually removes the bacteria that clump together between your teeth, without scrubbing and stripping layers off them. 牙线可以在不破坏牙齿保护层的情况下清理牙齿间堆积的细菌。
Then they should use a thin string or dental floss to remove particles of food between the teeth. 然后应该用小细绳或牙线清理牙齿间的食物颗粒。
Dental floss: a waxed or unwaxed thread used to remove food particles and plaque from the teeth. 洁齿线:一种上蜡或未上蜡的用于去除牙齿上的食物残碴和牙斑的线。
We can use nylon dental floss to clean our teeth after three meals. 三餐之后我们可以使用尼龙牙线来清理我们的牙齿。
Home is a place of freedom, so it's fine if you leave your socks by my dental floss. 家是自由的地方,你当然可以把袜子扔在牙线旁边。
People also should use dental floss to remove plaque from between the teeth. 人们应该使用牙线来清除牙齿间的牙斑。
The dental floss has advantages that: the diaphragm has small thickness and is convenient to enter into tooth clearance; 本实用新型所述牙线的优点在于,膜片厚度小,可以很方便地进入牙齿间隙;
Dental floss is used to clean between your teeth. 牙线可用来清洁牙间隙。
Make sure that you have those two items with you because you can go to America without your toothbrush and dental floss but not without your passport and tickets. 务必确定你携带了这两样东西,因为你可以不带牙刷和牙线到美国去,但是不可以不带护照和机票。
I like to use dental floss rather than toothpick. 我喜欢使用牙线而非牙签。
This is dental floss.-Yeah? So? 这是牙线。-是,干什么?
Assisted examination Clinical study on the auxiliary effectiveness of dental floss or interdental brush in severe chronic periodontitis 应用牙线、间隙刷辅助治疗重度慢性牙周炎的疗效观察
These findings indicated that continuously using fluoride-coated dental floss could reduce the quantity of plaque, S% and effectively control gingival inflammation. 使用含氟牙线不但能有效地控制牙齿邻面菌斑,减轻牙龈炎症,而且能明显抑制牙周致病菌。
The periodontal clinical effects of the fluoride-coated dental floss 含氟牙线牙周临床效果初探
Conclusion It is considered as an auxiliary therapy in severe chronic periodontitis to administer dental floss or interdental brush. 结论牙线或间隙刷在重度慢性牙周炎治疗中有一定的辅助作用。
Application of Different Methods of Toothbrushing and Dental Floss in Control of Dental Plaque 刷牙方法与牙线的使用对牙菌斑控制的研究
Right methods of brushing teeth, scaling, root planning and dental floss or interdental brush were performed in the experimental group, and the same therapy was used in the control group except using dental floss and interdental brush. 对照组除了不使用牙线和间隙刷外,余治疗同实验组。
74.4% brush teeth twice per day, only 7.7% brush teeth over 3 minutes, 16.6% insist in fluoridated toothpaste, and only 6% had applied dental floss. 口腔卫生措施:每天刷牙两次的占744%,刷牙时间达到3min以上的仅77%,坚持使用含氟牙膏的166%,使用过牙线的人仅6%;